The Blessed, Woman Thou ...
Blessed the woman who takes care of itself
profile inside and outside,
because the harmony of the person is more beautiful
a living human. Blessed the woman who,
next to the man, the very exercises irreplaceable
responsibility in the family, society,
in history and in the entire universe.
Blessed the woman called the store and forward
the life of a humble and great. Blessed when
around it and it does grow welcomes and protects life.
Blessed the woman who puts the intelligence,
the sensitivity and culture at the service of it, where
it will be impaired or distorted.
Blessed is the woman who committed
to promote a world more just and more humane.
Blessed the woman who, in their way,
She leaves illuminated by the choice of life.
Blessed the woman who, day after day,
with small gestures,
with words and attention that come from the heart,
traces path of hope for humanity
The two sides of the flower
A / D
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